Oil City Paving


How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Asphalt Crack Sealing

The process of asphalt crack sealing is a great way to improve the appearance of your driveway or parking lot. There are several factors to consider before choosing the right type of sealant: cost, environmental impact, and quality. Listed below are some of the main factors to consider. Once you’ve decided which method to use, you can move forward to the next step: evaluating the quality of sealants and the effectiveness of your crack sealing project.

Making The Right Choice

When applied improperly, crack sealing can cause damage to asphalt pavements due to moisture entrapment. Unlike other types of surface treatments, crack sealing can prevent water from escaping upwards. In fact an improper crack seal can reduce the lifespan of pavements by 1.1 to 2 years. This can lead to an increase in maintenance and rehabilitation costs. At Oil City Paving, we have the knowledge and experience to perform the correct technique to ensure a long lasting repair.


quality of sealant

When determining the quality of asphalt crack sealant, consider the following factors: Size, shape, moisture content, and repair method. Crack sealant’s success depends on several factors. Generally, a crack less than 20% in crack density requires a more flexible product. In contrast, a larger crack density requires a stiffer sealant. In addition, sealant’s tackiness decreases after it has been cured.

When choosing an asphalt crack filler, make sure to choose one with the right adhesive properties. Asphalt filler is not rubberized, and it might dislodge if the pavement moves. Sealant, on the other hand, expands and contracts with the pavement. If the crack filler doesn’t expand and contract with the pavement, it is not the right choice. For this reason, choosing a high-quality asphalt crack filler is imperative.  You can trust the team at Oil City Paving to get your repair done correctly using the correct method and material.